
Friday, 8 November 2019

Inky Wings Pinworthies

Hi everyone x Annie here with details of the Pinworthy mentions for our Inky Wings challenge theme. As always it is very hard to choose three projects and we would like to thank everyone for joining in with us. We love to visit and view your entries so keep them coming xx.
So without further ado here are the team's Pinworthy choices: 

Such a wonderful home decor piece by Kerstin. Fabulous details to look at, which look  even more amazing when lit.

 A wonderful Halloween card by Helen with inky bats and background as well as the great city scape.

Another great home decor piece by Lisa, showing bats and ghosts around her little house. Love the idea of the bats flying overhead. 

We will be sending you your Pinworthy badge to display on your blogs shortly and we will be pinning your fabulous entries to the "A Vintage Journey Pinworthies Board" on Pinterest.

There is still plenty of time to enter our current challenge which is "Window on Your World"  and you can find all the details HERE along with some fabulous inspiration from the Creative Guides.

As always  we would like to say "Thank You" for joining us in our challenges and we look forward to seeing what you create this month!

Happy Crafting
Annie xx


  1. Congrats to all, and THANKS for picking mine as a Pinworthies! I am honored!!

  2. Congratulations Kerstin, Helen and Lisa on being our Pinworthy Winners . Thanks for sharing your creativity with us. Hope you will join us again soon.
    I'll pin your projects to our pinterest board right away .

    Have a lovely weekend , everyone
    A x

  3. Fabulous Pinworthies! There were so many great entries that it was hard to choose. Thanks to everyone who took part.
    Alison x

  4. Thanks soo much, that makes me happy!! My congrats to Helen and Lisa, fabulous! Happy weekend! Kerstin x

  5. Many congratulations to all the Pinworthy winners! All the makes were amazing, it was lovely of you to share them with us 😀. Happy November and wishing everyone a wonderful weekend! Hugs, Jo x

  6. Thank you for choosing my project as a Pinworthy winner!! =) There were so many cool creations entered. happy fall everyone!

  7. Congratulations to all our uber talented Pinworthies, amazing creations! Deb xo

  8. Fantastic projects from all of our lovely Pinworthies! Congratulations to you all Toni x

  9. Congrats to the Pinworthies this month - what great examples of Wings! xx
